Dated Works
First and foremost, this page is not a catalogue raisonné. This is a collection of works by Bannister that are mentioned in this Annotated Bibliography on Edward and Christiana. The information and images contained in these pages are the result of the best effort of the author, using information available at the time of writing. While every effort was made to keep the information current and correct, there are no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information or images contained in these pages for any purpose and no attempt has been made to authenticate any of the paintings that appear in these pages.
The titles have been arranged chronologically. I created a separate page for undated works. I am especially grateful to Art historian and Providence Art Club Archivist Nancy Whipple Grinnell for her incredible generosity in sharing her wealth of knowledge about Edward and Christiana Bannister and for her invaluable assistance in assembling this selection of works by Edward Bannister and to Edward Shein for his encyclopedic knowledge of Bannister's work.
The Ship Outward Bound
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1854, oil on canvas
Dr. John V. DeGrasse
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
In 1854, Edward received his first commission by Dr. John V. DeGrasse, “The Ship Outward Bound”. In an article in the Liberator that same year titled “Colored Genius,” William Cooper Nell described a visit to Dr. DeGrasse’s study where he saw the painting. He describes The Ship Outward Bound as having a fidelity in design, coloring and shade. Nell also writes on page 316 of The Colored Patriots of the Revolution published in 1855, "In the Doctor's study hangs his diploma, and a beautiful painting, ("The Ship Outward Bound,") executed by a young colored artist, Mr. EDWARD BANNISTER, which is enclosed in an elaborate gilt frame, the work of a young mechanic, Mr. JACOB ANDREWS,--the whole being a joint presentation to their professional friend. Such tributes of genius and skill harmonize well with every worthy effort for the elevation of those in this land with whom the donors are identified, by complexion and condition. Mentioned in Driskell, David. Two Centuries of Black American Art, p. 46.
Dr. John V. DeGrasse
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1854, oil on canvas, 23 x 19
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY. in 2001.
Lucretia Cordelia DeGrasse
Date, Dimensions, Medium
after 1852, pastel on paper, 15 ¼ x 12 ¼ in.
Kenkeleba House, New York
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY. 2001, Kenkeleba House, New York. Exhibited at African Americans: Seeing and Seen, 1766-1916. New York: Babcock Galleries, 2010. Described by Tess Sol Schwab in catalogue on page 34 as "beautiful, thoughtful, lively and introspective."
Untitled (Rhode Island Seascape)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1856 Oil on canvas, 7 ¼ x 13 ½ in.
Kenkeleba House
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House, in 1992. Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY. 2001.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1856, oil on canvas, 14 1⁄8 x 20 1⁄8 in.Provenance
Edward Shein to Dr. Charles Mandell to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Portrait of Christiana Carteaux Bannister
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1860, oil on canvas, 36 x 28 in.
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at 4 from Providence: Bannister, Prophet, Alston, Jennings: Black artists in the Rhode Island social landscape. Rhode Island College, 1978; Kenkeleba House, New York; Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House, 1992; Exhibited at Newport Art Museum, 1992-2015; Exhibited at “My Greatest Successes Have Come Through Her,” The Artistic Partnership of Edward and Christiana Bannister,” Gilbert Stuart Museum, Saunderstown, RI, 2018. Mentioned in Driskell, David. Two Centuries of Black American Art, p. 46.
Prudence Nelson Bell
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1864 Oil on canvas, 25 x 2 in.
Mrs. Charles W. Johnson, Jr.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901, New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
A Portrait of Garrison
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1869
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at The Studios of Providence, Upper Story, Ward Room, Benefit Street, Providence, RI. October in 1869.
Untitled (Man with Two Oxen)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1869 Oil on canvas, 16 x 24 ¼
Edward Shein to Dr. Peter A. Pizzarello to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at The Studios of Providence, Upper Story, Ward Room, Benefit Street, Providence, RI. October in 1869. Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House, 1992.
, 1.
Woman Walking with a Cow
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1869, oil on canvas, 22 x 29 ½ in
Edward Shein to Francis Scola to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Untitled (Moon over Harbor)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1868, Oil on fiberboard, 9 5/8 x 15 ¼
Edward Shein to H. Alan and Melvin Frank to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Sharing Traditions: Five Black Artists in Nineteenth-Century America, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution in 1985. Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Herdsman with Cows
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1869, Oil on canvas, 31 ¼ x 51 ½
Edward Shein to Harry Leven to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
St. Luke
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1869-1873, oil on canvas, 24 1⁄4 x 18 1⁄8 in.
Edward Shein to Alan M. Gilstein and William J. Piccerelli to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Governor Sprague's White Horse
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1869 Oil on canvas, 23 x 30 in.
Manton Hoard to C.H. Perkins to Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at 4 from Providence: Bannister, Prophet, Alston, Jennings: Black artists in the Rhode Island social landscape, Rhode Island College, Providence in 1978. Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901, New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992. Exhibited at “My Greatest Successes Have Come Through Her;” The Artistic Partnership of Edward and Christiana Bannister, Gilbert Stuart Museum, Saunderstown, RI, in 2018.
Mentioned in the August 16, 1903, Providence Journal on page 8. Describes the painting as a "spirited one, portraying the horse as he is being shod. Also lists the first owner as Manton Hoard and then C.H. Perkins after Hoard's death.
The Newspaper Boy
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1869, oil on canvas, 30 ⅛ x 25 ⅛ in.
Edward Shein to Jack Hafif and Frederick Weingeroff to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at The Studios of Providence, Upper Story, Ward Room, Benefit Street, Providence, RI. October, 1869. Exhibited at the Providence Art Club, Exhibition on November 4 - 18, 1891. Exhibited at Sharing Traditions: Five Black Artists in Nineteenth-Century America, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution in 1985. Discussed in Driskell, David. Two Centuries of Black American Art, p. 46, with image.
At the Oakside Beach
Date, Dimensions, Medium
late 1870s Oil on canvas, 8 ½ x 12 ½ in.
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence; Bequest of Isaac C. Bates
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1870, Oil on canvas, 14x21.
Walter O. Evans Collection
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Scene Along the Connecticut River, Westmoreland
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1870, Oil on canvas, 20 x 30 in.
Harvard Musical Association, Boston
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Untitled (Dockyard Scene)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1870, Conté crayon and pastels on beige wove paper, 20.3 x 27.3 in. in.
Sold at auction on February 17, 2011.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Sunny Landscape
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1870 Oil on canvas, 22 x 36 in.
Bomani Gallery, San Francisco
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992. Number 47 in Driskell, David. Two Centuries of Black American Art.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1875-80, Oil on canvas, 20 1/4 x 28 1/8 in.
Edward Shein to Elliot and Rhoda Liffland to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992. Exhibited at Sharing Traditions: Five Black Artists in Nineteenth-Century America, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution in 1985
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1875-80, Oil on canvas, 6 1/8 x 8 1/4 in.
Edward Shein to Frederick and Joan Slatsky to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992
Untitled (Landscape with a Pond)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c.1876, oil on canvas, 7.75 x 11.75 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Narratives of African American Art and Identity: The David C. Driskell Collection. San Francisco: Pomegranate in 1998
Oak Trees
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c.1876, oil on canvas, 33.8 x 60.2 in.
Edward Shein to H. Alan and Melvin Frank to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Color photo in Driskell, David. Two Centuries of Black American Art, p. 85, number 38 in same publication. Mentioned in Driskell, David C. Hidden heritage : Afro-American art, 1800-1950. San Francisco: The Art Museum Association of America, 1985. Includes color photograph.
Under the Oaks
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1876, oil on canvas, 48 x 78 in.
John Duff thence to Sibbel A. Duff Bullard and William C. Bullard thence to Andrew Brabner Wallace. Current location unknown.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Drawing by E. M. Bannister of “Under the Oaks” from “Massachusetts Artists’ Centennial Album,” compiled by J. R. Osgood & Co., Boston, April 1876.
On March 21, 1876, The Providence Morning Star published a detailed description of “Under the Oaks” as follows, “The picture is six and a half by four feet, and enclosed in a rich and heavy gilt frame 8x51/2 feet. It represents a grove of oaks with a flock of sheep in the foreground, and the shepherd resting under the trees. Beyond the oaks are one or two quiet lakes, and in the extreme distance, looking across the plains, is a range of hills. Though simple in subject, the work is broad and comprehensive in treatment. It has such strength, repose and realism that there is a sort of magnetic influence which seems to make one a part of the scene itself instead of a mere spectator.” On April 4, 1876, the Boston Evening Transcript wrote an article about the paintings to be exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia and which were on display at Boylston Street. The article says this about Edward’s "Under the Oaks," “One of the most notable landscapes in the collection hangs on the left wall of the larger gallery in the art club building. In the catalogue it appears as #25, “Under the Oaks,” and was painted by E. M. Bannister of Providence. The grouping of the trees in the foreground is admirable, while the effects of light and shade are such as none but a thorough student and lover of nature could have managed. The sky and distance are especially good.” The Massachusetts Artists’ Centennial Album compiled by J.R. Osgood & Co. and published in April of 1876 on page vi describes Under the Oaks as A simple composition, and a picture quiet in color and low in tone, but with strong oppositions. The dark mass of a clump of great oak-trees fills the middle of the picture, and is seen in silhouette against-a light sky and the meadows beyond. Under the trees is a flock of sheep in the care of a shepherd and in the immediate foreground a pool of water. The general tone of the picture is gray. Size 48 by 78 inches
The Official Catalogue of the 1876 Centennial International Exhibition lists Bannister's painting “Under the Oaks” on page 42, number 935. Bannister’s name is also listed. Mentioned in Driskell, David. Two Centuries of Black American Art, p. 46.
Mentioned in African-American artists - III. New York : Bill Hodges Gallery, 2002.
Landscape Near Newport, Rhode Island
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1877-1878, oil on canvas, 15 1/8 x 25 7/8
Edward Shein to Ronald E. Deal to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Sharing Traditions: Five Black Artists in Nineteenth-Century America, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution in 1985.
Untitled (Trees and Shrubbery)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1877 Oil on canvas, 10 x 13 1/4
Collection of Allan S. Noonan, M.D.; courtesy Wendell Street Gallery, Cambridge. Massachusetts
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901, New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Rocks near Newport
Date, Dimensions, Medium
ca. 1877-1885, oil on canvas, 12 x 18 1⁄8 in.
Edward Shein to Louis Glaser and Dennis H. Sheahan to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchel Bannister: memorial exhibition, Providence Art Club in May 1901.
Hillside Pasture
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1877, Oil on canvas mounted on board, 20 x 30.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Louis Glaser, Dennis H. Sheahan
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992; Exhibited at the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Catalogue of the Department of Fine Arts, Fourteenth Exhibition, Boston: By the Association, 1881.
Untitled (Cow Herd in Pastoral Landscape)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1877, oil on linen canvas, 27.99 x 47.99 in
Sold at auction by Swann Auction Galleries, Oct 06, 2016 - Sale 2424. Harry DeGrummond, Salado, Texas; private collection, Texas (1980); thence by descent to the current owner, private collection, Oklahoma. This painting was found in the contents of Twelve Oaks, a historic two-story stone mansion in Salado, Texas, when it was purchased with the DeGrummond estate in 1980.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
This impressive scene of a herd of cows in a Rhode Island landscape is a large and significant mid-career painting by Edward Mitchell Bannister. The pastoral scene is rendered in rich harmonious tonalities captured in the light at dawn. The herdsman at the center of the horizon brings the viewer into a composition that shows Bannister's affinities with the Barbizon masters Jean-François Millet and Camille Corot. Upon closer inspection, Bannister's impastoed brush strokes and palette knife application in the foreground also show the influence of Gustave Courbet. - description by Swann Auction Galleries.
Fishing Shacks
Date, Dimensions, Medium
ca. 1877-1885, oil on wood, 10 5⁄8 x 13 7⁄8 in
Edward Shein to Howard S. and Dorothy Lampal to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1877, oil on waxed canvas, 17 x 28 7⁄8 in.
Edward Shein to Gerald Scher to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
The Palmer River, Rehoboth, Massachusetts
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1877, oil on fiberboard, 14 15/16 x 10 1/8
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence; Bequest of Isaac C. Bates .
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992
Tree Landscape
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1877, 20 1⁄8 x 29 7⁄8 in.
Edward Shein to H. Alan and Melvin Frank to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1878 oil on canvas, 7.9 x 12.9 in.
Rhode Island School of Design, bequest of Isaac C. Bates
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
One Voice, Many Visions, Work By African American Artists, Feb 20, 1998 – Jun 14, 1998; Days Gone By, Jul 01, 1971 – Sep 26, 1971; Small Exhibition of Works by Negro Artists, Nov 10, 1957 – Nov 17, 1957.
Woman on a Road Near a Stream
Date, Dimensions, Medium
late 1870s Oil on canvas, 15 1/2 x 21 1/2
Collection of Judge Frederick L. Brown; courtesy Wendell Street Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1879, oil on canvas, 5 ½ x 10½
Barnett Aden Gallery.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Amistad II: Afro-American Art, The Department of Art, Fisk University in 1975.
Untitled (Landscape with Moored Boat)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1879, oil on canvas, 14 x 20 in.
Edward Shein toJoseph Sinclair to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Landscape with Woman Walking on Path
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1879, oil on wood panel, 6.25 x 10 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Michael Rosenfeld Gallery
Untitled (River Landscape)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1879, Oil on linen canvas, 1879, 12x15 in.
Sold by Swann Auction Galleries, New York, NY on December 10, 2020. Private collection, Pennsylvania.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Docks at Dusk
Date, Dimensions, Medium
Oil on thin wood panel, circa late 1870s, 7½x10 inches.
Frank Tolles Chamberlin, thence by descent, private collection, California and New Mexico; private collection, New Mexico (2022). Swann Auction Galleries, Sale 2664 - Lot 1, April 4, 2024.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
"Frank Tolles Chamberlin (1873 - 1961) was a landscape painter, and sculptor who lived and worked in California. His wife was Catherine Beecher Stetson, the only daughter of Rhode Island painter Charles Walter Stetson, a close friend and colleague of Bannister's. Stetson and Bannister were part of a small group of artists who founded the Providence Art Club in 1880.
This oil sketch is a wonderful scene of moored ships in what appears to be the harbor of 1870s Providence - the buildings and smoke stacks looming in the backgound are similar to contemporaneous images. Bannister would paint such small plein air studies on board, sometimes to develop into larger paintings in the studio. A similiar docks scene is found in his oil painting, Providence River (1881)." From Swann Auction Galleries
Untitled (Woodcutter on a Path)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1879 Oil on canvas, 16x22 in.
Edward Shein to Louis Glaser to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Landscape, Clouds
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s Oil on canvas, 5x8 in.
Collection of Warren and Charlynn Goins.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Newport, Rhode Island
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s, graphite on paper, 13.97x21.59 cm
Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
(Untitled) Landscape with Cows
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s Watercolor on paper, 6.75x10 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Narratives of African American Art and Identity: The David C. Driskell Collection. San Francisco: Pomegranate in 1998
Expansive Landscape
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s watercolor on board, 71/2x103/4 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Sold at auction by Black Art Auction, Thom Pegg, Tyler Fine Art, Saint Louis on May 22, 2021, Lot 81.
Newport Scene
Date, Dimensions, Medium
ca. 1880-1889, watercolor and pencil on paper mounted on paperboard, 13 1⁄8 x 19 in.
Edward Shein to Louis Glaser to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Untitled (Bridgewater, NH)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
circa 1880s, watercolor on thin wove paper, 7x10 1/2 in
Sold by Swann Auction Galleries on October 29, 20023 from private collection in Florida.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Little Compton, Rhode Island
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c.1880, oil on mahogany panel, 17 1/2 x 13 1/2 in
Harmon and Harriet Kelley Collection.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at The Harmon and Harriet Kelley Collection of African American Art. San Antonio Museum of Art in 1994 (San Antonio venue).
Shoreline with Boats, Rhode Island
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1880, oil on canvas, 20 x 30 in.
Sold at auction by Black Art Auction, Thom Pegg, Tyler Fine Art, Saint Louis on March 12, 2022.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Landscape with a Stream
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1880, oil on academy board, 17 1/2 x 8 in
Sold at auction by Black Art Auction, Thom Pegg, Tyler Fine Art, Saint Louis on March 12, 2022.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Passed Storm
Date, Dimensions, Medium
ca. 1880, oil on artist board, 6 1/4 × 8 1/4 in
Montclair Art Museum.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at 100 Works for 100 Years: A Centennial Celebration, Montclair Art Museum, 2014. Exhibited at Alexandre Gallery at The American Art Fair 2017.
Kid's Road
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s, oil on canvas, 5x8 in
Collection of Warren and Charlynn Goins
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992. Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY in 2001.
Untitled (Landscape with Waterfall)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s Oil on canvas, 24 x 36 in.
Private Collection
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Untitled (Man on Horseback, Woman on Foot Driving Cattle)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880 Oil on canvas, 16 1/8 x 22 1/8 in.
Edward Shein to H. Alan and Melvin Frank to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Heading Home from Haymaking
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880, oil on board
The Collection of Dr. Dianne Whitfield-Locke and Dr. Carnell Locke, Maryland
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Sold by Black Art Auction, Saint Louis, MO on May 16, 2020.
Landscape and Boat
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c.1880, oil on canvas, 17 1/2 x 29 1/4
Collection of Harmon and Harriet Kelley.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at The Harmon and Harriet Kelley Collection of African American Art. San Antonio: San Antonio Museum of Art, 1994. "In Landscape and Boat, Bannister explores the massing of shapes, created through sharp contrasts of light and shade." - Exhibition catalogue.
Walking Along a Path
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1880 Oil on canvas, 5 3/4 x 9 1/2 in.
Collection of Judge Frederick L Brown
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Migration at Sunset
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1880 Oil on canvas
Chrysler Museum of Art
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Woman Standing Near a Pond
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880, oil on canvas, 16 1/4 x 22 1/4 in.
Saint Louis Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1880, oil on cardstock board, 6 1/4 x 8 1/4 in.
Private Connecticut collection
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Sold at Swann Galleries, New York on 06 February 2007 for $24,000.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1880, oil on canvas, 23 x 36 in.
Kenkeleba Gallery, New York.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at African Americans: Seeing and Seen, 1766-1916. New York: Babcock Galleries in 2010. Image appears on page35.
Providence River
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1880, watercolor on paper, 73/4 x 111/2 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited by 100 Works for 100 Years: A Centennial Celebration, Montclair Art Museum, 2014. Exhibited by Alexandre Gallery at The American Art Fair 2017.
Last Glow
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on burlap, 28 ¼ x 36 in.
The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Art and Artifacts Division; The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundation
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House, 1992.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 30 x 50 in.
Collection of Edward Shein.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Untitled (Cows Descending Hillside)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on burlap, 11 ⅛ x 15 in.
Edward Shein to Louis Glaser to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
Driving Home the Cows
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 32 x 50 in.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of G. William Miller
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchel Bannister: Memorial Exhibition Providence Art Club in May 1901 owned by George H. Ames; exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828-1901, Providence Artist on March 23 - April 3, 1966, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Miller Collection; exhibited at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Selections of Nineteenth-Century Afro-American Art. in 1976. Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister; The Barbizon School in Providence, Olney Street Baptist Church, Providence, August 1-15, 1965. Number 39 in Driskell, David. Two Centuries of Black American Art.
Woodland Interior
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1881, oil on canvas, 36 x 24
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY in 2001.
Gathering Clouds
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 9 x 12 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Christie's, 19th and 20th Century American Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors and Sculpture in 1989.
The Storm
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 4 x 8 in.
Edward Shein to J. Wesley Johnson to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
At Smith's Place, Narragansett Bay
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 22 x 30 in
Acquired by Anson and France Viets, Springfield, MA (c. 1920s); thence by descent, private collection, Maine.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at the Twenty-third Exhibition of the Boston Art Club, Boston, MA on January 29 - February 9, 1881; sold on October 19, 2023 by Swann Auction Galleries in New York for $137,000..
Providence Harbor
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 14 ¼ x 20 ¼ in.
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Leven.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Hidden heritage : Afro-American art, 1800-1950. San Francisco: The Art Museum Association of America, 1985. Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY in 2001. Exhibited at “My Greatest Successes Have Come Through Her;” The Artistic Partnership of Edward and Christiana Bannister, Gilbert Stuart Museum, Saunderstown, RI, in 2018.
Ocean Cliffs
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 10 x 16 in.
Edward Shein to H. Alan and Melvin Frank to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Providence Art Club, Edward Mitchel Bannister: Memorial Exhibition on May 1901, Collection of Mrs. George H. Corliss.
Untitled (Landscape with woman seated by a stone wall)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on linen canvas, 16 x 22 in.
Norton Museum of Art, Palm Beach
Exhibition and Bibliographic History .
Edward Mitchell Bannister’s two landscapes in the Norton Museum of Art collection present the New England countryside at its most contemplative. In the earlier work from 1881, a woman sits in the shadows of great trees whose trunks and branches frame her against a sunlit forest glade. The crimson ribbon on her hat, a counterpoint to the bright green and yellow tones of the open space, calls attention to the figure as she reads. Across the glade a steep hillside dense with foliage rises to the top of the canvas. Through branches high above the woman’s head, we glimpse clouds and blue sky. By Glenn Tomlinson, William Randolph Hearst Curator of Education, Norton Museum of Art
Pastoral Landscape
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 51.8 x 76.5
Sold at auction by Sotheby's, New York, Art of the Americas Lot 28, on Jan 18, 2023.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History .
Landscape with Cow and Female Figure
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1881, watercolor on cream wove paper, 13 ¼ x 19 ¼ in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Two Centuries of Black American Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art on September 30 - November 21, 1976. Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister 1928-1901: A Centennial Retrospective, Roger King Gallery, Newport, RI on October 21 - November 30, 2001, and Kenkeleba House, New York, NY on December 12, 2001 - February 9, 2002.
Grazing Sheep
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1881, oil on canvas, 22 ¼ x 30 ¼ in.
Nicholas Bruno.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY in 2001.
Woman Walking Down Path
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1882, oil on canvas, 20 x 30 in.
Edward Shein to Joseph Sinclair to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Sharing Traditions: Five Black Artists in Nineteenth-Century America, Smithsonian American Art Museum, in 1985.
Untitled (Landscape with cows in stream near trees)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1882, oil on canvas, 36 x 48 in.
Edward Shein to Ronald E. Deal to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Five Cows in a Pasture
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1882-1884, oil on canvas, 40 x 60 in.
Edward Shein to H. Alan and Melvin Frank to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Sharing Traditions: Five Black Artists in Nineteenth-Century America, Smithsonian American Art Museum, in 1985
Sad Memories
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1882, charcoal mounted on paper, 8 7/8 x 6 in.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of G. William Miller.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Olney Street Baptist Church Memorial Exhibition, August 1, 1965; Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828-1901, Providence Artist on March 23 -April 3, 1966, Miller Collection, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design.
Oyster Raking, Hudson River
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1882, charcoal on paper, 9 x 5 ½ in.
Roger King Fine Arts, Newport, RI
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY in 2001.
Landscape with Trees and Pond
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1882, oil on board, 12 x 15 ½ in.
Sold by Shannon's, Milford, CT on November 19, 2020
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Summer Meadow
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, Oil on canvas, 9 x 12 in.
Collection of Dr. Gregory Wells and Dr. Sheila Allison-Wells
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
River Landscape at Sunset
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, oil on canvas laid on masonite, 27 x 36 in.
Sold by Grogan & Company, Dedham on 30 Sep 2012.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, oil on canvas, 16 x 24 in.
G. William Miller.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828-1901, Providence Artist on March 23 -April 3, 1966; exhibited at American Art in the Barbizon Mood, Smithsonian American Art Museum, on January 23 - April 20, 1975. Exhibited at Selections of Nineteenth-Century Afro-American Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1976.
The Evening Track
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, oil on canvas, 9 x 13 in.
Collection of Dr. Gregory Wells and Dr. Sheila Allison-Wells.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House in 1992.
River Scene
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, oil on canvas
Honolulu Museum of Art.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, oil on canvas, 20x24 in.
Sold at auction by Swann Auction Galleries, New York, NY on June 08, 2010
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Untitled (Landscape of a marsh and cows through a forest)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, pastel and gouache on paper.
Sold by Roland Auctions, Glen Cove, NY on June 03, 2023.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, oil on canvas, 34 x 44 in.
Sold by Roland Auctions, Glen Cove, NY on June 03, 2023.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Four Cows in a Meadow
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1883, oil on canvas, 12 x 19 in.
Newport At Museum on loan from Bannister Nursing Care Center.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at York, Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House, 1992. Exhibited at Barbizon to Impressionism, Rhode Island Painters of the Late Nineteenth Century, Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI, October 27, 2007-January 27, 2008.
Untitled (Girl in a Meadow)
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1884, oil on canvas, 18 x 26 in.
Collection of Francis and Patricia Scola.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828–1901. New York: Kenkeleba House, 1992.
"Another motif found often in Bannister's paintings — among others, Untitled (Woodcutter on a Path) (1879), The Evening Track (1883), Untitled (Girl in a Meadow) (1884), Road to a House with Red Roof ( 1 880) — is the winding road through the landscape, with the human traveler positioned as observer, one who passes through God's handiwork. Bannister identifies the artist's duty to represent "the beautiful phenomena of the heavens above, or the earth beneath them. . . . reading the great three leaved book of nature . . . land, and Sky, and water . . . reverently and lovingly. . . Bannister's intellectual bent and deep religious principles created the philosophical underpinnings of his approach to the landscape. He was part of the tradition of artist-thinkers, among them Washington Allston and Asher B. Durand, who worked to clarify and verbalize their vision and practice of art." from Reaching Through the Veil: African-American Artist Edward Mitchell Bannister by Juanita Marie Holland.
Untitled #1
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s, pastel on paper, 9.75 x 13.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Mentioned in African-American artists - III. New York : Bill Hodges Gallery, 2002. "It is my learned of more than 25 years of selling works of art, that the works appearing on this page of the catalogue and again I make the careful distinction of in my 'opinion' that these works are the very rare and unknown works of Edward Bannister."
Untitled #2
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s, pastel on paper, 10.25 x 13.25.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Mentioned in African-American artists - III. New York : Bill Hodges Gallery, 2002. "It is my learned of more than 25 years of selling works of art, that the works appearing on this page of the catalogue and again I make the careful distinction of in my 'opinion' that these works are the very rare and unknown works of Edward Bannister."
Untitled #3
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s, pastel on paper, 10 x 13.25.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Mentioned in African-American artists - III. New York : Bill Hodges Gallery, 2002. "It is my learned of more than 25 years of selling works of art, that the works appearing on this page of the catalogue and again I make the careful distinction of in my 'opinion' that these works are the very rare and unknown works of Edward Bannister."
Untitled #4
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1880s, pastel on paper, 10 x 13.75.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Mentioned in African-American artists - III. New York : Bill Hodges Gallery, 2002. "It is my learned of more than 25 years of selling works of art, that the works appearing on this page of the catalogue and again I make the careful distinction of in my 'opinion' that these works are the very rare and unknown works of Edward Bannister."
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1884, oil on wood, 4 1⁄4 x 11 in.
Edward Shein to John A. Hofheins to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Landscape, Field and Woods
Date, Dimensions, Medium
1885, watercolor and pencil on thin wove paper, 4 x 7 in.
Petrucci Family Foundation, 2024; Sold at auction on February 14, 2013 by Swann Galleries, New York.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Landscape with Man on a Horse
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1884, oil on canvas, 26 x 40 ⅛ in.
Edward Shein to Irwin M. Sparr to the Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art to the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Sharing Traditions: Five Black Artists in Nineteenth-Century America, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution in 1985.
Narragansett Pier
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1884, watercolor on paper, 8 x 12 in.
Roger King Fine Arts, Newport, RI.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY in 2001.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1884, oil on canvas, 30 x 22 in.
Herbert Weinberg, New York, NY; to Estate of Herbert Weinberg, New York, NY; (Christie’s, New York, NY), September 29, 1999, sale 8283, lot 64 (as Farmer Pushing a Wheelbarrow); purchased by Michael Rosenfeld and halley k harrisburg, New York, NY; (Michael Rosenfeld Gallery, New York, NY); given to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR, 2014
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Sold at auction by Christie's, East on 29 September 1999 for $25,300. Exhibited at African American art: 200 years: 40 distinctive voices reveal the breadth of nineteenth and twentieth century art. New York, NY: Michael Rosenfeld Gallery on January 11 - March 15, 2020.
Moonlight off Bailey's Beach, Newport, R. I.
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1885
J. Harwood and Louise B. Cochrane Fund for American Art.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at the Autumn Exhibition, Providence Art Club on November 11, 1885, listed for sale. Described in the November 13, 1885 Providence Journal on page 8 as “decidedly cold and unpleasant in color, though the water is painted with considerable movement, and pours over the rocks with a realistic sweep and rush.”
Driving Home the Cows
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c.1885, oil on canvas, 21 x 29 ½ in.
The Harmon and Harriet Kelley Collection
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at The Harmon and Harriet Kelley Collection of African American Art. San Antonio Museum of Art in 1994 (San Antonio venue).
East Hancock Harbor
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1885, 8 x 12, oil on canvas
Sold at auction by Bill Hodges Gallery, NY.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Encore, Bill Hodges Gallery, NY, Aug 14-Sep 6, 2014 . Image appears on page 36 in Norman W. Lewis, et al., Bill Hodges Gallery catalogue, 2017.
The Oxen Wagon
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1885, oil on canvas, 16 x 24 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at African American art: 200 years: 40 distinctive voices reveal the breadth of nineteenth and twentieth century art, New York, NY: Michael Rosenfeld Gallery on January 11 - March 15, 2008. Exhibited at Edward M. Bannister: A Centennial Retrospective. Roger King Gallery of Fine Art, Newport, RI & Kenkeleba House, NY in 2001.
Lady with a Bouquet
Date, Dimensions, Medium
c. 1885, oil on canvas, 32 x 24 in.
Exhibition and Bibliographic History
Exhibited at Edward Mitchell Bannister, 1828-1901, Providence Artist on March 23 -April 3, 1966, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, lent by Providence Art Club.